Left Over Easter Egg Kid Challege

While at the store I found a stack of Easter clearance. They had these jewel eggs which didn’t look like eggs and this little basket with Sophia the First shaped…

Minecraft Sword Craft for Kid’s

Mutiny Monday (Sort of) Today’s kids take over post is brought to you by Bub. An aspiring Mine-craft expert who would be a millionaire if being addicted to Mine-craft was…

52 Sketchy Love Valentine Photoshop Brushes

52 Sketchy Love Valentine Photoshop Brushes Here is another set of brushes. I love swirly brushes. I know some of these are not really Valentine related (ie. Lion) but I just…

Free set of 20 Photoshop Tag Brushes

At Christmas, I looked everywhere for Photoshop Tag brushes for this or that project I was working on at the time. I’m sure they exist out there but I could…

Design a Pony Photoshop Brushes

It would seem my latest obsession is Photoshop Brushes.Here are my first public release brushes. 17 different brushes.3 mix and match hair styles. To Download Click HERE Free for personal…


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